Where I blog: Australasian Christian Writers (ACW) 

For the first time since September 2013, I’ll only be blogging at one group blog: Australasian Christian Writers (ACW).  In 2013 we set up the ACW blog on the Blogger platform and made the switch to WordPress in early 2019.  ACW has an active Facebook Group community for both writers and readers and we share …

Tuesday Book Chat – Australasian Christian Writers | 5th January 2021

Today I’m hosting the Tuesday Book Chat on the Australasian Christian Writers (ACW) blog. Each Tuesday we discuss a bookish question of the week. Our question for this week: Have you set a reading challenge for 2021? Stop by the ACW blog to join in the conversation. https://wp.me/paAL5b-13c

Tuesday Book Chat – Australasian Christian Writers | 28th January 2020

Today I’m hosting the Tuesday Book Chat on the Australasian Christian Writers (ACW) blog. Each Tuesday we discuss a bookish question of the week. Our question for this week: Which is more important in an audiobook – the story, the author, or the narrator? Stop by the ACW blog to join in the conversation. https://wp.me/paAL5b-KG

Tuesday Book Chat – Australasian Christian Writers | 21st January 2020

Today I’m hosting the Tuesday Book Chat on the Australasian Christian Writers (ACW) blog. Each Tuesday we discuss a bookish question of the week. Our question for this week – Do you listen to audiobooks? Why or why not? Stop by the ACW blog to join in the conversation. https://wp.me/paAL5b-KG

Tuesday Book Chat – Australasian Christian Writers | 31st December 2019

Today I’m hosting the Tuesday Book Chat on the Australasian Christian Writers (ACW) blog. Each Tuesday we discuss a bookish question of the week. Our question for this week – Did your to-be-read list grow or shrink in 2019? Stop by the ACW blog to join in the conversation. https://wp.me/paAL5b-IV

Tuesday Book Chat – Australasian Christmas Writers | 24th December 2019

Today I’m hosting the Tuesday Book Chat on the Australasian Christian Writers (ACW) blog. Each Tuesday we discuss a bookish question of the week. Our question for this week – What book do you hope to receive for Christmas? Stop by the ACW blog to join in the conversation. https://wp.me/paAL5b-IT

Tuesday Book Chat – Australasian Christian Writers | 17th December 2019

Today I’m hosting the Tuesday Book Chat on the Australasian Christian Writers (ACW) blog. Each Tuesday we discuss a bookish question of the week. Our question for this week – How many books have you read this year? Stop by the ACW blog to join in the conversation. https://wp.me/paAL5b-IQ

Tuesday Book Chat – Australasian Christian Writers | 26th November 2019

Today I’m hosting the Tuesday Book Chat on the Australasian Christian Writers (ACW) blog. Each Tuesday we discuss a bookish question of the week. Our question for this week – Who is your favourite Christian romance author? Stop by the ACW blog to join in the conversation. https://australasianchristianwriters.com/tuesday-book-chat-who-is-your-favourite-christian-romance-author/

Tuesday Book Chat – Australasian Christian Writers | 19th November 2019

Today I’m hosting the Tuesday Book Chat on the Australasian Christian Writers (ACW) blog. Each Tuesday we discuss a bookish question of the week. Our question for this week – Who is your favourite Christian thriller author? Stop by the ACW blog to join in the conversation.

Tuesday Book Chat – Australasian Christian Writers | 29th October 2019

Today I’m hosting the Tuesday Book Chat on the Australasian Christian Writers (ACW) blog. Each Tuesday we discuss a bookish question of the week. Our question for this week – Who is your favourite Christian romance heroine? What makes her so special? Stop by the ACW blog to join in the conversation.